Bi-amp befuddlement

Newbie in midst of modest upgrades to old system and wondering if I am getting best benefit from bi-amping:

Having read about it, I acquired an Arcam 8 power amp to pair with my Arcam 8 Integrated.

Speakers are B&W 601 S2, about 20 years old, which sounded quite warm and nice bi-wired with Monster cables. For the bi-amping effort, I bought Anti-cables.

I followed the Arcam instructions and wired the power amp to low end, the integrated to high end. Frankly, not sure I noticed a difference - except maybe when I crank it up. The sounds seems clearer, with less distortion, or maybe that's wishful hearing.

I am questioning things in part because the other day, I shut down the power amp and the music nstantly went tinny, like some tranmission from space. Put on the power amp, and all richness floods back. Clearly, I expect a change but not such a massive one.

Is that normal? Is that all I am getting out of the intergrated? I have looked at Audiogon forums and read about vertical bi-amping - one amp per speaker. Is that a better use of two amps for somebody who is not going to mess with speaker cross-overs?
To reap the benefits, you needs two amps of the same type or you will have to buy an attenuator to adjust the volume on one of these amps.
If you are actually, "bi-amping" and you turn the amp off that's powering your bass drivers: guess what? All that you will hear is the integrated, powering the mids/highs(only the output above the crossover frequency). YES- It WILL sound VERY thin. What you've noticed at higher volume levels, is the main objective of bi-amping(clearer presentation, better dynamics and less distortion).
Thanks Rodman.

I guess I was shocked by the disparity. I expected a division of sound, but not so huge

Ajax, I figured two amps of the same power from the same maker are gonna be closely matched.

Any thots on going vertical option - one amp to each speaker? I guess I'll have to play around to see what sounds best. This weekend, I hope to listen to some used Snell and Theil flood-standers as possible upgrades, which could make things even more interesting.
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