Which Moscode 300 vs 600

I have owned several Moscode 300's from stock to maxi to modified and at different degrees and levels. I am going to look for another Moscode for my system because I do like their sound. I want any input from those who have owned both the 300 and the 600 models. I borrowed a 600 and found it to be a little more lively sounding and not as airy as a warmed up 300. Maybe a little more analytical sounding as well. Any opinions on the 600? I know the 300 pretty well. Does a modded 600 change the nature of the sound from the stock model?

Power is not a big deal for my application.
Interesting that you found the 600 "a little more lively...and maybe a little more analytical" than the 300. A number of years back I owned a pair of the 300s(which, as you know, were hybrids). I also had the opportunity to give a good listen to the 600 on several occasions. I found the 300 considerably more involving than the 600. In fact, to my ears, the latter didn't sound lively at all, but rather disappointing and a bit slow by comparison. I heard both on my Dunlavy SC-4 speakers, which were and are(I still enjoy them)quite revealing. Incidentally, an overwhelming majority of my listening has always been with long play vinyl records. I assume you'll give both amps another good audition in your system before you make your final decision. Ahh, but I do fondly recall those Moscode 300s. Good luck and good listening!
I guess my experience was 600 reminded me of a solid state sounding amp. I have Dunlavy Cantatas which have the same basic drivers as the 4A. I am thinking the 300 is my best bet from my own experiences but had to ask since my 600 experience was brief.
Actually, the 600 didn't impress me as sounding solid state at all. Though I have long preferred tubes to transistors, the all tube 600 just sounded comparatively lifeless to me. And as much as I enjoyed the hybrid 300s, I have since never owned another hybrid amp. My modified Air Tight ATM-3 tubed monoblocks have served me well for a long time. Based on YOUR current feelings, your ultimate decision should be an easy one!