Have you tried the Furutech AND the Acme fuses?

If so, which did you prefer and why?


I have tried the Isoclean fuses which made quite a difference, especially in the amp. I have them in everything, even Foundation Research pc/conditioners.I do plan on trying the Furutechs out also. I have heard good things about the Furutech fuses.
Does anybody think these companies make their own products? They are rebranded / repackaged from OEM manufacturer and the only difference is if they cryo them or not.
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturing. It is mainly used to describe parts for cars, airplanes and electrical systems. It is also used for computer parts and computer programs.

The name OEM is usually used when a new version of something is made by a company that is different to the company that first made it. The new company will sell the product at a cheaper price, but this is often because it does not have as many features as the first version. For example, an OEM computer program will usually only come with the disc and a licence, but no instruction manuals