Roland Updating Service Question

I just bought the Model 6 monoblocks and had a conversation with a roland owner who mentioned to me the updating service available to owners of the older products;I would like to hear views and opinions on this service and if you elected to have it done what changes in performance did you notice after the service was performed.
I owned Model 6's and I am not aware of any updates available for the amps, but perhaps there are? Rowland for a time offered, for the Models 8 and 9, conversion of the battery power supplies into switching power supplies. In addition, base Models 8 and 9 could be upgraded to "ti" status. However, I am not aware of any such upgrades for the Model 6's. To what do you refer?
I was informed that they can be sent in for replacing caps resistors and any components that looked stressed out; I have not talked directly to Roland as of yet but I will call now to see if the service does in fact exist.
The person I was talking with seemed very knowledgable about the service as he had his model 5's done;however he could have been wrong.
Raquel-you are correct they only offer upgrades for the 5's and 7's;not the model 6.
I am sorry for a incorrect post.