Classic McIntosh tube amp or new other brand

In my quest to purchase a tube amp I am faced with the following dilemma, within the given price range, is it preferable to purchase a classic McIntosh amp, such as MC-30 monoblocks or MC-240 or by another brand in new or near new condition?

As an alternative I am considering Quicksiler Mid-Monos, Cary Rocket 88, Leben CS300 to name a few...

Currently, I am driving Monitor Audio RS-6s, with a 35W Marantz PM5003. I am happy with the power.

Preference is based on the following;
Sound Quality, resale value, life expectancy as well as cost of replacing tubes over the life of the unit.

Your input would be greatly appreciated
why not get a modern McIntosh tube amp? The MC275 is an excellent tube amp and can often be found here on the 'gon used all day long. I have one I purchased from audio classics and cant be any happier. You get the mac tube sound coupled with modern internal components, high quality RCA's or balanced connectors, and modern speaker binding posts (on the MKV version). Vintage MCtube amps come with their set of issues, so unless you want to invest a lot of money to bring it up to spec and possibly retube the thing, you may want to look for something newer.
Here is your chance to snag the Luxman MQ-88 that I previously suggested, and at a bargain price!
It's a done deal, I bought new. I ordered a set of mid-monos.I should receive them in the coming weeks!

I am too busy these days to be fussing with used gear. I just want to listen and enjoy.

Thanks for all the input, it was very helpful.