Difference between KT88 EAT and NOS in Jadis

I have Jadis JA80 with standard EH tubes. Is there anybody who tried to compare KT88 of EAT and NOS. Both are very expensive but what about a sound quality. Is it different or comparable ? Or may no tubes are worth so much

EAT tubes are manufactured with great care and expertise, comparable to that expended on the better tubes from "the good old days"(NOS GE, Genelex, GEC/Mullard, etc). Whether the difference in sound quality is worth the difference in cost TO you, can only be answered BY you. I wouldn't presume to recommend you spend that kind of money, based on my opinion and ears. Some help/info/opinions: (http://www.euroaudioteam.com/pdfs/eat_kt88_hfn_0705_4web.pdf) (http://www.highend-sound.com/test/files/documents/506_hifi+34_audio_smorgasbord.pdf) (http://www.audioreference.co.nz/searchdisplay2.php?id=EAT+KT88+M4) Read Scot Markwell's comments on that last site(especially his last sentence).

Do you have any personal long term experience with EAT tubes that you can share?

I was very interested in EAT KT88 a few CES shows ago, in spite of their cost. What stopped me was a heated discussion between EAT and a very high end American tube amp manufacturer concerning reliability.

That tube amp manufacturer now uses Wing C tubes, so I'm wishing for more data.
No "long term personal experience"(sorry to say). My recent past financial state(expensive divorce) had precluded that possibility. Thus- I can't say anything concrete concerning their reliability, but they do carry a warranty. It's been my experience, that if tubes make it for six months; they'll last the long haul. Things are starting to look better for me this year, and I'm giving an octet of EAT's tubes some serious consideration myself. The Winged 'C' 6550's I've got in my monoblocks right now probably have 6 months or so left in them. The taste that I've had of the EATs makes me want the whole burrito, and I've seen them on sale for around $1300 a matched quad!
Let me know how they sound, I won't be buying them at $325.00 each regardless of warranty. I pay high for 10,000 hour tubes but KT88 and 6550 are not in that category, at least not in VTL 750s or CATs.

Maybe if a quad would serve my whole system the price would not look so bad. Since I have two pair of 750s the total for a single fitting of EAT would be $15,600.00.