Help choosing a Conrad Johnson preamp

Hey all,

I am looking to finish off my system with a Conrad Johnson pre. I have narrowed it down to either the Premier 3, Premier 10 (line only), or Evolution 20 (exact match for my Evolution 2000, except extremely hard to find one for sale). Does anyone have any advice for me? My system is below:

Amplifiers: Conrad Johnson EV-2000, Conrad Johnson MV75A1, B&K ST-202
DAC: Musical Fidelity X-DAC V8 receiving USB signal
Power: Balanced Power Technologies Upgraded CPC
Speakers: Energy Veritas 2.4 floorstanding loudspeakers

Lastly, am I good keeping the X-DAC, or would it be worth it to find a CJ DA-2B tube DAC and connect via toslink for an all CJ setup?
Can't comment on the main point, but I had a DA-2B (and the matching transport) and do NOT recommend it.
If you need line only, of the group you mentioned, the Premier 10 is the best of the three.
Do not forget about the CJ CT6. I have owned this model for 2 years and I think it is the best buy of the line.
If your looking for used the PV11 was a great preamp, a little on the warm side but incredibly good for its price point.