Need preamp recommendation

Well, the quest for the tube rolling didn't go anywhere after a quick phone call to a tube vendor who advised me that low noise tubes won't lower the background noise of the preamp. Unfortunately I need to replace my VTL TL-5.5 to something else with lower noise floor.

The new preamp must have very low noise. My amps have about 25dB of gain, and my speakers are 93dB sensitive. It can reveal small amount of idle noise too well, which was undetectable with the same speakers but with power amp of 15dB of gain. Also the new preamp must have low / no gain, or adjustable gain. My VTL has additional 20dB of gain, and it's just too loud.

Some of the preamps that piqued my interests are Aesthetix Calypso, Placette, and Sonic Euphoria. I've read some earlier models of Calypso suffered from noise issue. I'd like to hear from the owners with sensitive speakers and high gain amps if there is any noise issue.

I'd love to try the new TL-5.5 which was long announced, but I don't think it's shipping yet. Anyone from VTL reading this board?

Any other low noise preamp that I should consider? I'd like the tubes, but as tube gears have inherently higher noise floor I'll also consider solid states and passive designs. The budget is flexible, but I'd like to keep it under $3k. The new preamp will be driving Pass XA-30.5.
I have a newer CJ pre-amp and it is dead quite. A CT-6 or CT-5 are both quite nice.
A recommendation is the Shindo Aurieges L (line only version) or the MM (with phono version). Pratically noise-less, even through 104 db/w/m speakers, so your 93 db sensitivity speakers should have no problems. I have seen used one here on the 'gon for around $3K, although the original two box MM version with the separate power supply will cost more than that; that has become a collector's item since Shindo builds only a one box unit now. Great preamp no matter which version you buy, absolutely beautiful sound that pulls ahead of many other preamps. If you're on the west coast, give Matt at Pitchperfectaduio dot com a holler. Great, friendly knowledgeable guy who will work with you on setting up systems and pricing.
To clarify my requirement a little bit, my VTL preamp is also pretty quiet. I couldn't hear anything but slight hint of hiss with my ear pressed against the tweeter on my previous setup with my 93dB speaker and amp of 15dB of gain. On a typical system with speakers of 87dB of sensitivity and 20dB of gain from the amp, my preamp will be dead quiet as well. The problem started to appear with high gain amp of 25dB mated with sensitive speakers with 93dB of sensitivity.

The noise is present when all the components are on, regardless of the volume level. It's the background noise of the preamp. If the noise was coming from upstream, it would vary based on the position of volume knob. The noise disappears when I switch off preamp, or put it on mute, or remove preamp and connect Unidisk directly to the amp. The noise is loud enough to be bothersome at the listening seat.

Thanks for all the recommendations. Please keep them coming. I would also like to hear more about the setup the preamp was used in to keep the system sensitivity in perspective.
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I also recommend the Shindo Aurieges L. It is a superbly musical preamp that is a bargain at $3K new. I use it in my secondary system. It is a dead quiet preamp. Just a great preamp for its price point, provided you do not need remote control for volume, switching inputs, etc.