Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?

I own a Rotel pre/pro RSP-985 SS preamp and a matching Rotel 120 watt power amp. If I wanted to move into tubes, would I get better mileage out of a tube pre or tube power amp?

I love the convenience of the rotel preamp (remote, built in DACS etc) but I understand that a tube pre will have more impact than just a tube power amp. Is this correct?

Also, my speakers are 91db efficient. What wattage tube power amp would I need to drive them to medium/loud levels?


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One more time, a tube pre will give you the advantage of tubes without the heat and cost of a tube power. BUT, tube pre's aren't cheap. At least, get a tube DAC if CD's are your main source of input.
ive owned tubed pre's with SS amps and tubed amps with SS pre's, and even tube cdp's. IME, tube amps are the way to go for truly 'tubed' sound.
09-12-09: Jw94055
One more time, a tube pre will give you the advantage of tubes without the heat and cost of a tube power.

One more time, a tube pre is a good starting point and will give you some tube flavor. A tube amp will provide more tube sonic traits. It all depends how far you are willing to go, and for some, it is the wrong direction.

A tube pre is the best start. Tube power amps are hot and expensive. In order to get the best out of a tube amp you will need to roll tubes, and that can get quite expensive.