SS integrated amp to drive Wilson audio sophia/WP7

I want to have a simple system. What is a good ss integrated amp to drive wilson audio sophia 2 or WP7 with Linn ikemi cd player and transparent super cables?
As alreaday mentioned, LSA Group integrated amps are very nice and I expect in the tier of integrated amps you would be looking at. But there are many others to consider. It would be nice if you can get a reference from Wilson of an integrated that is known to have good synergy with the speakers.
Audiofeil - I didn't realize Pass had come out with the INT-30A. So what are your thoughts of it compared to the INT-150, besides the obvious power difference?
I was told by Wilson audio that they used Boulder, MC MA6900, Naim SuperNait to demo the sophia/WP.

I am interested in Nait XS, MC MA6600, Accuphase E450. Does anyone has experience or comparison for these three? It is hard for me to find a dealer to listen to the Accuphase or Naim .
The Wilson's are linear enough to not require "tell it like it is" components. That said, the Naim XS with a flatcap XS would be a damned good affordable solid state match with the Watt Pup's. You will be seeing more and more Naim/Wilson pairings at shows in the future, I can almost guarantee it.