Cary MB CAD 500 amp

Why isn't cary building on a really good product? The Cary MB 500 is such an excellent amp?
Everest, You make a good point. I think it probably did not sell, b'cus besides the review on 10audio, its hard to find other reviews on it.
Is this its replacement?

The new Model 1.600 is a mono power amplifier rated at 600 watts into an 8 ohm load. With a 1500VA universal voltage dual primary transformer, there are four independent power supplies within the Model 1.600, one for each rail of each amplifier channel. The power supply also incorporates inrush current limiting that is switched out after a short time period once the amplifier has been powered on. This allows the amplifier to not cause brown outs when switched on, but pull the high currents necessary for proper performance when in operation. On the audio input section, the Model 1.600 utilizes the THAT Corporation 1200-Series In-Genius™ high-CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio) input stage which feeds the new National Semiconductor LME49811 High Fidelity Power Amplifier Input Stage. The LME49811 chip drives the final, balanced bias circuit and a triple output stage yielding an unprecedented low noise level, superb balance, and extraordinary power levels.
"Perhaps the two-channel audiophile wasn't convinced that a primarily tube manufacturer could make a good solid-state amp (which would have been a mistake)...."

Conrad Johnson I believe may have gone thru a similar situation with the CJ Premier 350 amplifier. Some feel at the time this was the finest amp ever produced by CJ. Was it dropped due to a stigma attached by being produced by a mfr that produces tube audio gear products or due to cost? Some have reported the latter is the real culprit but I wonder.
I hate that they are coming out with a newer model that I will be impelled to buy since I have loved my MB500's so much. Dang IT!!!

The 500MB is by far my favorite amp with Maggies.