Anybody heard Stereoknight magnetic preamp?

This seems very intersting but never heard of it. Anybody listened to it?
Yes. I have been watching Stereoknight for about 8-10 months as I am a proponent of passive volume controls/preamps.

Mind you I’ve been an audiophile for nearly fifty years cutting my teeth on gear from Harvey Radio and others along Cortlandt Street (known back then as “Radio Row”) in NYC before it was all demolished. The World Trade Center Towers were built there..

I started my passive experience by ordering a new Placette (it uses resistors). I was absolutely stunned by how it sounded (or not) there was so much more soundstage imaging from a blackness like I had never heard before. A vail had been lifted and I was now hearing minute detail that had been there all along. That experience whetted my desire to check out other passives. I became very interested in trying a magnetic transformer-based PVC particularly the Music First and Bent PVCs. I learned that Music First were coming out with a new model with remote control that I wanted along with balanced circuitry. I was able to secured the new Music First MKII Magnetic Passive Preamps w/remote and immediately sold the Placette.

I believe that transformer-based PVCs are the way to go. They (I've now had three different transformer PVCs in my system) seem to be a little more musical than the Placette. However, I disagree with those who say resistor-based units are not as dynamic. The Music First MKII has upgraded transformers (25% more windings) compared to the original now known as the Classic. I'm only talking copper wire versions not the silver.

The MKII got even better after being used for a few weeks. It's dynamite! The third transformer-based PVC is a Sonic Euphoria that a friend got via Audiogon and wanted to hear it in my system. It ended up sounding quite good but it needed additional damping of the metal case which has now been done. After this long lead-in here comes the revelation. As I said I had been watching Stereoknight for some time and I came across an Auction on A'gon for his basic model (single ended, no alt source inputs nor remote). In a weak moment at about three am I couldn't sleep saw the auction and put in a bid. I got it.

When it arrived one afternoon and I had some time I figured give a listen to it. It started playing while I was still on the floor to one side fiddling with something and suddenly I froze and listened. WHAT I WAS HEARING SOUNDED BETTER THAN I HAD EVER HEARD FROM MY STSTEM!!!! I got up sat and just listened. THE STEREOKNIGHT SOUNDED SUPERB AND HAS OUTDONE ALL THE OTHERS INCLUDING THE $4500-list MKII. Two other audiophile friends have listened and agree it's better.

I can't help but wonder why. I think I have an answer but it will take some time. First the Stereoknight is built like a battle ship having been machined from a solid block of aluminum. Plus everything is fastened to it with machine screws. Therefore I think that it is quite immune to vibrations but I will set it up on a Stillpoints Component Stand to see if that has any effect (it definitely does improve the MKII). What I think is more likely is that there are no open unused connectors on the Knight whereas the MKII has several SE plus XLRs which could be bringing in RFI/EMI interference degrading the MKII. With that in mind I will fit it out with RFI/EMI plugs such as Cardas makes.

System: KEF Reference 201/2 (awesome loudspeakers) on KEF stands each filled with 75lbs metal shot; MIT AVt 1 biwire speaker cables w/ Cablock lifters; Pass X150.5 or Ayre V-5xe amps; MIT Proline XLR & SE interconnects; Preamps see above PVCs; fed by a Esoteric X-05 CD/SACD Player (stock feet [3] replaced with Finite Elemente “Ceraballs”); all use Stillpoins Stands and/or “points/bases (the best); all A/C cables Shinyata Taipan through an Audience adeptRespone aR6 conditioner.

Reference Sources
CARNINA BURANA, ORF Runnicles, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, Telarc DSD CD-80575 favorite CD to listen for quality of detail (all else being equal) especially chorus should be heard as individual voices rather than a mass group (less smearing, more detail)
Gpmaven, I have had the Bent pre with the Stevens and Billingntons transformers (copper) and now have the Music First Mk11 ( copper). My speakers are Adam Audio Tensor Deltas. They are active, and I recommend you hear these. I was able to make a choice between either and I choose the Music first for its sonic qualities over the Bent, I thought 25% larger transformers but 45 % more sound in every way. Tell me please, how much better is the Stereo Night than the Mark 11, can you give me a bit more detail, I find it hard to imagine anything better than the Mark 11 than the Music First Reference? And, is the build quality better than the MK11? Mind you, that wouldn’t be too hard to beat! Thanks