Anybody heard Stereoknight magnetic preamp?

This seems very intersting but never heard of it. Anybody listened to it?
Yes, I own the pre and a pair of their SNight mono amps. I have tested most of their equipment at length. My most recent equipment divorce was from a pre and pair of amps by CAT. Over 12 years of CAT with a multitude of equipment always attempting to dethrone them. I got tired of switching out and testing new equipment. So much so that when a new piece came in it would sit for weeks until I was ready to deal with it. CAT equipment is just that good! One day I exchanged an email with Sarjan from 6Moons and he gave me some good ideas. The ideas lead me into a different direction. StereoKnight. I matched the equipment up with a pair of Devore 9's and packed the CAT equipment - now sitting on shelves in the garage. Allot of BS I could share, but I can sum it up best with the following:
I hooked up the StereoKnight equipment with Stereo knight Balanced Cables and Power Cords. Balanced from point to point ending with a pair of Devore 9's and sat to listen - Dire Staights ---- and in no less than 60 seconds my listening room clearly felt as if it dropped 15 degrees, the wind picked up, waves lapped my feet. The bongs took place above and out to the right. All instruments floated appropriately in space with all the depth and width I could imagine. Perfect, never needed to go above 1 on the volume pot. No warming-up no adjustments - just music from the first note. Low sound floor? Wow! I was at 1 and I was transfered from my place to some space around evening and thoroughly enjoyed the beach and atmosphere as never before - (hell, and I use to live at the beach) the music took me home. Think of it this way - the Devore 9's are phenomenal speakers by anyone opinion. On my end I know for a fact that the Devore's are my systems weakest link. Maybe not. Back on the Merry Go-Round?
How much Enigma sells for?
As a side note- I really hate it, when there is no pricing information posted on the manufacturer website. What is it, a secret?
Agree with Maril555. My initial impressions of the website and product line are favorable but I'm somewhat dismayed that I have to contact a dealer to find out the pricing.

Can anyone ballpark what the active preamp would go for?
Usually pricing isn't displayed when there is a dealer network, and pricing elsewhere may not be what's on the website.

FWIW I've emailed the owner, or whomever he is, of stereoknight. pretty prompt with response back to me. He'll tell you the price, and maybe be open to negotiation. He was when I inquired about some of his products. it's a buyer's market right now.