I need SS muscle

After thinking long and hard about a speaker change, I've decided to keep my VR4 HSE's and relieve one of my cary V12's
(one powers L & R upper units and another powers the L & R lower units)and power the bass units with a good SS amp.
If i'm going to go through the expense of another amp, I want a decent used one in good condition. Brands that come to mind are Bryston,Classe,Levinson Krell and Mac right off the bat.
Does anyone have any models of these brands or others that would offer good synergy with my current setup and enough watts for the power hungry bass units(maybe 2 ohm load at certain freq's)
Please! It's the bass units. You need power and high damping, not the very best in ss power amps. Look at very good, not best. NAD, Onkyo, used: Hafler, Adcom, Pioneer Elite, Sumo,etc. Use the saved money on a VERY good electronic crossover and music.
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16x28x18? Whoa! 8000 cu ft. plus! That's a lot of room. I'll presume it is closed off.

Not having those bass drivers in an enclosure isn't helping you much either. But then they have another sound all to their own.

Speedy fast subs... maybe even Vandy's? VSA & VDS are similarly constructed right? cloth wraps over enclosed constructs?

The VR4 Gen III I had my KAV 250 on was not that large as I said above but it was really big. Even in the nearfield I didn't care for the bass the Gen IIIs put out. Listening in the pre-arranged sweet spot, I thought to myself after about an hour... is this what one gets for over $6K cash!?

But then, I'm kind of a bass junkie. Kind of. It's not my end all be all but I prefer to have it as to not have it. And if 'had', I'd prefer it to have some impact too... as bass should in many cases.

Before leaving the dealership I was pointed into another smaller room closer to that of my own... about 15x19x8 and VR4JRs were playing already. the diff was night and day. So were the electronics... but far far, less power... only 30wpc tube monos were pushing the vSA speakers.

though it wasn't terribly tight bass it was surely more prominent and enjoyable.

Personally, I don't think an amp or a sub is your ticket now.

Try two subs.... and some treatments.

I eventually added a BAT VK500 w/BAT pk dual mono Ss amp to those VR4 JRs. Did it improve the bass output or presence?

yes. Easily.

Was it dynamic and naturally hard hitting? Nope. had to use a sub. Did it soothe the highs? Nope. had to add a tubed preamp.

Even with nearfield listening, if bass is important to you, I don't feel you will be satisfied with simply another amp. The room, I don't think will allow sufficient pressurization for any significant impact. Tone, perhaps yes. But that hit you in the chest feeling? Speed? Nope. I'd bet aginst it.

I'll stand by my note on the Butler TDB 2250 new for $3000. Nearing 400 wpc into 4 and stable into 2. But I'd sure be thinking of adding a pair of EQ'able subs. The Butler amps use the same output MOS FETs, Sankens, as do the Odyssey amps and it shows, as I have both amps... Stratos Plus + and the 5150 5ch Butler. yet the Butler does outshine the Stratos amp clearly, noticeably and with more slam down low. In other areas too, especially the upper mids and top end.

The past few nights I ran the 5150 sans sub. Hooked it up last night to see the diff... Slam. Impact. Pressure. Those were the diffs.

the Butler with sub, across the bandwidth it exceeded the Odyssey amp easily. Naturally it was also outputing more power I presume... and/or acted as though it were.

My room BTW is <2400 cu ft. Closed off.

There is indeed a diff from developing a signal of say 16 to 30 Hz so you can hear it... if you can... and developing a signal in that area wherein you can feel it. Personally, I need a Bass test CD to Discern tones accurately under 40-50hz.

Bass, really good bass is felt IMO, as well as percieved. One other attribute to it is it makes that above it better set, and more delish'. it does.. really.

As good as your 'Cs' are, your rooms cu ft is eating them up down low. Spending that $3K on a pair of Rels, Vels, JL's, Vandy's, etc. and a little work will be the short cut to a better bottom end. the addition of another (replacement) amp likely will help too.

If only one choice is made for that 3K, I'm gonna vote sub (s). Do one and see... Who knows? Hopefully....

Very good luck to you
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Tvad, didn't mean to put down your amp picks if future system wide amp needed. Just wanted to point out course for bass only amps. Thanks for the "agree".