I need SS muscle

After thinking long and hard about a speaker change, I've decided to keep my VR4 HSE's and relieve one of my cary V12's
(one powers L & R upper units and another powers the L & R lower units)and power the bass units with a good SS amp.
If i'm going to go through the expense of another amp, I want a decent used one in good condition. Brands that come to mind are Bryston,Classe,Levinson Krell and Mac right off the bat.
Does anyone have any models of these brands or others that would offer good synergy with my current setup and enough watts for the power hungry bass units(maybe 2 ohm load at certain freq's)
Tvad, didn't mean to put down your amp picks if future system wide amp needed. Just wanted to point out course for bass only amps. Thanks for the "agree".
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Review my post... I believe I said I previewed (auditioned) the Gen IIIs with my Krell KAV 250 amp, in a smaller room than the OPs. by a good bit.

I wasn't impressed. Partly that's why I went into the Silverlines.

Life for me too or maybe just me, got in my way and I let go of the BAT amp with intentions of using a hefty SET amp with mo' eff speakers. Alas... had I only changed the speakers... Oil well.

Sorry if somehow I misled.

Was/is your room similar to the 8064 cu ft of the orig posters when you performed this mentioned preview? At this point we aren't sure if it is still more with openings, or closed off.

That's a tremendous space to handle for attaining good impactful bass with but a couple speakers, IMO.
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Listened to both the Gen IIIs, and 4JRs at the same dealership... in differing rooms, with different gear driving each set of speakers.

No 'C' units were ever previewed. As I understand it and think you might have intimated to me the big diff from one another was the networks and/or the components comprising them... higher grade caps, etc.

I'm stunned still seeing the expanse of your own room however. I'd not have felt such results could have been atained. interesting for sure.

I'm done too. Subs are and have been for a while now, the path to improving upon a set system without making replacements en masse.

At near double Tvad's room parameters, I see no reasonable cost effective path for achieving better bass than to proceed with buying a sub (s). naturally, adding another amp of a different flavor/style, likely will help and certainly be a gain of sorts, yet I would be sufficiently fascinated to find out only another amp was enough.

In any case... have fun... and good luck.