Dude TRL vs Red Wine Isabella vs Dodd

These are new contanders for my new preamp.Also thinking about Samson TRL monoblocks.Which one could be the best preamp?I don't need any special features except possibly remote and the best sound.
My two cents: the TRL Dude is to die for. Yes, the TRL guys are confident and rely to some degree on word of mouth. To me, that is the ultimate indicator of performance....not neatly packaged data on a slick website. I also own Intuitive Design gear and Dale's philosophy is the same. I would engage Bill/Grannyring in regards to the Dude/Samson synergy. The sum is more than the parts....
I have owned Dodd and RWA Isabella (with DAC option).
Both great preamps and quite close in performance.
Isabella replaced Dodd due to more engaging and analogue presentation.
Its DAC options is really awesome and I would strongly advise going in that direction. Its DAC replaced my $3200 CDP (still use it tho) if it's any indication of its quality. Recently, I have purchased two Isabellina HPA DACs with variable out and remote control. These can work as stand alone digital preamps (that is how I use it).
I am having one of my DACs modified by Vinnie Rossi this Friday so its battery power supply can be shared by another component (Empirical Audio Offramp Turbo). This will keep both components off the grid for about 10h of play time.

As far as amp for Tannoy Canterbury speakers ....... I would suggest looking into Jadis tube amps. They sure do sound great together.

I like the idea of preamp and amp from same company so it comes down to either Red Wine or TRL.I wonder what can be better as far as amp goes,300w from TRL or 30w from Red Wine considering they will run big 15' Tannoy woofers?Pricewise they are both in the same price region when purchased used or new.
I owned the Red Wine 30.2,great little amp,however,for your application I would opt for the TRL.