Are ML CLS speakers a match with SS BAT amps?

Has anyone had any experience with using solid state Balanced Audio Technology solid state amplifiers, such as the VK 600SE, with Martin Logan CLS speakers? I am also considering the Pass Labs amps and the Atlas amp from Aesthetix. I would appreciate hearing opinions and thoughts about which amps I should consider. I am staying away from tube amps because they lack definition in the bass, produce too much heat, and cost too much to maintain.
I had a BAT VK220 for awhile on my CLSIIA's, but it just didn't have enough power and/or control. It did sound very good, but not big enough. I'm sure the VK600SE would be more than ample.

I haven't heard, (on my CLS system), but in others CLS systems, the Pass amps. They are VERY NICE indeed, especially the new series.

After listening to probably a dozen or so different amps in my system, I finally settled on a Sanders Sound Systems ESL amp and couldn't be happier. It's by far the best amp I have heard in my system, on my CLSes. I have actually stopped looking for amps...
Sorry, I might to include this link to the Martin Logan's Users Group. You can read forever here and see that there are a wide variety of amps used. The Pass Labs amps are pretty popular.
I had a VK250Xse with my Aesthetix Janus and it was good, but not amazing. I haven't heard your speakers, so no idea of what it would sound like with your system. A friend did bring over his Pass 250.5 and it was VERY good.