Can I Use One Channel Of A Stereo Power Amp?

Does anyone know of a high power (300 wpc or so) stereo power amp that can be run using only one channel?
What I want to do is use a pair of these to power 3 front speakers. The high power multi-channel amps are out of my price range. Thanks.
A mac 7106 is 100 wpc into 6 channels or bridged to 375 watts for 3 channels. Beat that? Cost is around $1250-$1500.
I have had excellent success running one channel each into two Sunfire stereo amps.

The 300 watt version can be had for $800 or less.

Finding a good RF-reducing power cord will greatly enhance their performance. The ones from Marigo are superb, but they are expensive.
what's the theory behind a dummy load? if there is no input, there is no output except some cross talk that made it into the unused channel which is minute. if using dummy load, one would need a fairly high wattage resistor I assumed.