If I could toss a seemingly odd suggestion, but it might be worth checking out the 18wpc Almarro A318B Single-Ended/Class A integrated that uses 6c33c output tubes. It is a phenomenal amp with power, tonal purity, and silken highs. It seriously equalled my much more expensive high-end amps in musical satisfaction.
It was able to drive 90dB/4ohm Jean Marie Reynaud Twins mkII monitors beautifully. There are a few, simple, aftermarket upgrades(coupling caps) by response Audio that take the amp to a whole 'nother league - 2 V-cap coupling caps; 2 Black Gate cathode bypass caps; 2 Elna Cerafine cathode bypass caps; a Sonicap power supply bypass and a Noble volume control pot.
Also check out the JAS Audio Bravo 2.3 Integrated Amplifier , like the reviewer in the link, I also owned the reference level $8k Art Audio PX-25 and found the Almarro to be nearly equal in many ways.
It was able to drive 90dB/4ohm Jean Marie Reynaud Twins mkII monitors beautifully. There are a few, simple, aftermarket upgrades(coupling caps) by response Audio that take the amp to a whole 'nother league - 2 V-cap coupling caps; 2 Black Gate cathode bypass caps; 2 Elna Cerafine cathode bypass caps; a Sonicap power supply bypass and a Noble volume control pot.
Also check out the JAS Audio Bravo 2.3 Integrated Amplifier , like the reviewer in the link, I also owned the reference level $8k Art Audio PX-25 and found the Almarro to be nearly equal in many ways.