Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Thanks, Slipknot, glad to hear this report. For me, this LP captures accurately some very difficult to reproduce textures and harmonic shadings. It's a real test of the resolving capability of one's system, plus being very attractive musically.
OK Slipknot1, Evidently there are no other takers to this challenge of rock trivia. So you have taken an avid stab at it and deserve to know the answer I was looking for. Glyn Johns. Glyn either engineered and or produced each of these recordings. He has a long list of credits that would leave anyone proud and most of his work have a sonic signature of clarity and detail as you may well know by listening to these albums. Happy Listening!
Good one! I stared at his name on "Rough Mix, "Who By Numbers" looked over Led Zep but missed his name. I was gonna say Clapton cuz of the Delaney & Bonnie ref and Clapton played a lot of the lead parts on "Rough Mix".

That was fun. Maybe we should start posting thematic evenings of music and quiz folks on what the commonalities are...
Gentleman, Please tell me about the “Il Cornetto” it sounds fascinating. I am but a classical neophyte at this point and truly looking to expand my horizons. I love classical or folk music with ancient instrumentation. Would this fit into that classification? So please, do tell and is it available on vinyl?!
As always, Happy Listening!
Foster, the "Il Cornetto" LP is a recording of Baroque music that features the Cornett, a 16th century wind instrument made of wood or ivory, with woodwind style fingering holes like a recorder but with a brass instrument type mouthpiece. Because it's played like a brass instrument, yet with the body of a woodwind instrument, it has a unique sound that I find complex and full of interesting overtones. It's unusual to hear it played today.

This LP is from a limited series of extraordinarily well recorded Baroque music recordings made by the German tube equipment manufacturer Klimo in the 1980s, now long out of print. I have all of the LPs from this limited Klimo Open Window series, and this is one of my favorites (another being an LP of music for baroque violin performed by the renowned Swiss baroque violinist Chiara Banchini, Klimo OW 002).

The primary point is that I recently discovered that Elusive Disc still has this "Il Cornetto" LP available.