Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Gentleman, Please tell me about the “Il Cornetto” it sounds fascinating. I am but a classical neophyte at this point and truly looking to expand my horizons. I love classical or folk music with ancient instrumentation. Would this fit into that classification? So please, do tell and is it available on vinyl?!
As always, Happy Listening!
Foster, the "Il Cornetto" LP is a recording of Baroque music that features the Cornett, a 16th century wind instrument made of wood or ivory, with woodwind style fingering holes like a recorder but with a brass instrument type mouthpiece. Because it's played like a brass instrument, yet with the body of a woodwind instrument, it has a unique sound that I find complex and full of interesting overtones. It's unusual to hear it played today.

This LP is from a limited series of extraordinarily well recorded Baroque music recordings made by the German tube equipment manufacturer Klimo in the 1980s, now long out of print. I have all of the LPs from this limited Klimo Open Window series, and this is one of my favorites (another being an LP of music for baroque violin performed by the renowned Swiss baroque violinist Chiara Banchini, Klimo OW 002).

The primary point is that I recently discovered that Elusive Disc still has this "Il Cornetto" LP available.
Rushton, I find your explanation of the instrumentation only heightens my interest in hearing this recording and many of the others. I checked with Elusive Disc and they are currently listing it as out of stock. I went ahead and entered an order (it let me) in the hope that I might be fortunate enough to see it restocked, we'll see. Thank you again for the thoughtful words. With a little looking around I found a HiFi+ review of the Italian Violin Music 1600-1750 Open Window OW 002, they suggest it as one of their favorites also. Also found a Chinese website that describes six different albums of this series. Very intriguing. Sounds as though this path of music exploration just never ends... Bravo!
Foster, I'm sorry this LP is now out of stock at Elusive Disc. Slipknot and another member of our local audio group just ordered it last week, but I was afraid that whatever supply Elusive Disc might have was limited. I've seen LPs from this series show up every now and then on Mikrokosmos' monthly lists.
I too am sorry to hear that Elusive disc is listing it as OS. I must have gotten one of the last copies. Mine arrived within 3 days of placing the order. "Il Cornetto" is indeed a very delicate recording. I really allows you to hear texture and tonal shading of these early instruments if your system is resolving of this kind of intricate detail.