VTL 5.5 vs. Lamm LL2?

I'm trying to mate my VTL MB185 mono amps with a really nice preamp. My budget is around $3000.00. Initially, I thought that the best choice would be a unit made by the same manufacturer as the amps. Anyway, what better place to get an intelligent opinion on this than Audiogon. By the way,

I'm not interested in hearing anything about the Audio Horizons preamp. I've already read about that unit in the longest running. I believe that they have the longest running thread on audiogon (over 3.5 years) with over 1000 entries (most) from the same small handful of people. Does anyone find this odd? Either way, I'm not interested in this unit. Although, I'm sure that some of it's "long standing" fans will make it into this forum.
Sherod, You have no idea what you're talking about. Use your head. I started this thread on the 10th of this monte. the Audio Horizon thread is over 3 & 1/2 years old and... it has over 1000 entries by the same people...over and over... and over.. is fishy. As a matter of fact, you've made over 100 of those entries. I guess that you don't remember, huh? Please leave me alone.
Whoops Sherod! You're right.. I guess that you guys aren't the only slippery characters out there. Give me a break.. I'm not interested in your no name... no resale value... bunch of hype.. scam.. preamp. Go Away.. I think all of you guys are con artists. Regardless, it doesn't matte what I think.. Just leave me alone. I suspect that your preamp is no better than any other preamp that comes in from China.
I'd like to thank all of my fellow audiogoners who are contributing to this post. Lots of useful info.
I would like to leave you alone, but you've opened up a can of worms here with some serious accusations. You are telling me that all those who own Audio Horizon preamps and who post on that particular thread are "con artists". Now you're also saying that in the "preamp of the century" thread, those same owners of the Supratek preamps are also "con artists". I am sorry that you are so delusional. You did start this thread, but your negative comments up front about other preamps and those people who own them needed addressing. You really need to try to learn to take some of the medicine that you dish out. Also, I highly recommend that you do some research and find some real facts before you open your pie-hole making false statements and accusations. By the way, your sorry-ass excuse for being a sceptic because you are from New York only gives the good folks from New York a bad name. Shame on you, Bud.
Kensetsu is a perfect example of the Imposter Syndrome where inside every self assurred professional lives a frightened little neurotic who prays that he can somehow succeed before everyone discovers the fraud.