Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1


Looking for ideas for amping Revel Studio version one speakers. I currently have Pass Aleph2 and Aleph P.

I would like to keep the Aleph2 to use for bottom end power.
Was thinking about VTL MB-125's for top end.
Is this a good match?

Or should I sell/trade in the Aleph2's and save for MB-185 or 450?

Looking for best match either SS or tube for studios.
My budget is right at 4k.
I thought of VTL because of their power to drive a speaker like Studio (MB185/450) but am open to other suggestions.

I will be keeping the Aleph pre amp no matter what. Really need some help here.
My friend drove his with the WRAD 300/Innersound itube at 160W/ch (6550s).He preferred the amp using kt-88s=better extension on top/control in the bass.
VTL,BAT 75se (mono in future),CJ monos or Fourier 200W monos.You need power,but not quite as much if only driving the mid/tweet portion.

Thank you for responding. I am hoping 125 WPC is enough for the mid/tweet section. The Aleph2 does a OK job of driving the speaker, so I thought it would be very good at griping the Studio low end.

So the VTL MB-125 may be the way to go for me?