Cary rocket 88 vs dynaco st70

I currently have a completely rebuilt and upgraded dynaco st70 that sounds very nice in my system.

Classe dr6 pre
Quad 11L monitors
Denon dvd/sacd

I am having some low level hum from my dynaco, and am considering a used Cary rocket 88.
If you have a rocket 88,how quiet are they,and would this be an overall sound quality upgrade over the dynaco?
Speakers are 6ohm, 86db and have plenty of volume with the dynaco.

I had a pair of 96db klipsch kg4 in the system and the hum was unbearable.

There are no groundloop issues since my bryston 3b at has no hum in the system.
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Output capacitors? What are those? I've owned both amps. Had no noise from either, at all. Over the years I had upgraded the coupling caps, multi-section cap(which could be your issue), and added some capacitance to the B+ supply(plus a few other mods). The Rocket 88 was still an improvement, especially in triode mode. If you move to the Cary; you won't regret it. BTW- Try flipping the Dynaco's plug over in your wall outlet. If it's still stock; the prongs should be the same size.
Rodman: Dunno what they are. You'll have to call Cary and ask. This was a while back, too, so I'm probably a bit loose in the jargon. Anyway, it was a capacitor that made the same hum that Dav65mus is experiencing. When fixed, things were dead quiet.
A bad power supply filter cap(in any electronic component) can cause a variety of noises. Could that be what you're thinking of?