Cary rocket 88 vs dynaco st70

I currently have a completely rebuilt and upgraded dynaco st70 that sounds very nice in my system.

Classe dr6 pre
Quad 11L monitors
Denon dvd/sacd

I am having some low level hum from my dynaco, and am considering a used Cary rocket 88.
If you have a rocket 88,how quiet are they,and would this be an overall sound quality upgrade over the dynaco?
Speakers are 6ohm, 86db and have plenty of volume with the dynaco.

I had a pair of 96db klipsch kg4 in the system and the hum was unbearable.

There are no groundloop issues since my bryston 3b at has no hum in the system.
I own a Rocket 88R coupled to a passive preamp and speakers with 87db sensitivity. Dead quiet. I almost bumped my head into the tweeter trying to hear something. No noise. I've read elsewhere that the Rocket is known to be pretty noise-free with even higher sensitivity speakers.

No experience with the Dynaco's, see a lot of rebuilt ones here. But at what used Rockets are going for, it's almost a shame to get such a well made amp for so little coin.
Rodman: Read though my old receipts last night trying to figure out what it was that Cary replaced. Here it is: 2-1200wf 450v VCC and 1-270K 2 WATT Mouser. If that's any help.
Calbrs03- The two first ones are power supply filter caps. The other is a resistor.
Dave- Like I said: I've owned both amps, and the last ST-70, from stock to rod-rodded(16 years). You won't miss your ST-70, once you've tried the Rocket 88 in triode mode(especially with some NOS inverter/driver tubes).
I’m enjoying my Rocket 88. It is controlled in Triode currently, by my Bluesound Node and it’s nifty remote (extra$), (or your cell phone/ iPad app). Paired up with my Klipsch (Gen 1) Forte, absolute bliss @96db sensitivity. I’m selling my Dynaco SCA-35, currently, on EBay… cannot top the Rocket for hiss free bliss.