Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
If I could jump in on your question to Rushton, re: "a good tool for capturing voices as they move about the stage" I have found Holst's "Savitri, A Chamber Opera In One Act" perfect for judging soundstaging and where both male and female performers are on the stage, as they move upstage to downstage, right to left. It is on the Argo label (ZN 6 if I'm not mistaken).

I am sure Rushton will offer some fine suggestions of his own, but he and I both agree on the "Savitri"
Vincent Gallo, Music for Film

Yes, the indie actor Vincent Gallo. The music is pretty good. Homemade recording with vintage equipment - very warm intimate sound.
Slipknot1, Thanks much for the suggestion. BTW have you recieved your new turntable yet? I am looking forward to hearing your impressions on previously familiar recordings with the new rig.

Tonight I am listening to Ornette Coleman & Charlie Haden duets, album is Soapsuds, Soapsuds on the Artist House Label. Ornette's sax is vivid with Haden's thumping acoustic bass.

Clark Terry & Max Roach, Eighty Eights label, excellently recorded plus performances by two jazz giants. Acoustic sounds has limited quantities on vinyl. A must have.
Not yet. I was at Lloyd Walker's last Sunday (he hosted our local audio group for an afternoon of listening on his personal setup). I saw the table, it is close to completion and I could be seeing it as soon as this weekend, or possibly next. I have already pulled and cleaned some LP's that have been discussed in this thread to listen to first, once the table is installed and dialed in. I will be sure and post my listening notes here.
Rushton,found the Miss Julie thread and the link to the site describing the play which the music is based on. You said the recording brought the performers into the room, I guess that is a good enough recommendation.