Pass labs x350.5 VS. McIntosh MC402

I am currently running an older Mark Leninson No.23 amp (200 WPC) and looking to upgrade. I have heard nothing but good things about the Pass Labs x350.5 and the McIntosh MC402 amps, has anyone had the opportunity to compare these amps or had the chance to hear them seperately?
The house sounds of these 2 companies are very different, so don't buy without listening first, no matter what reviews you read. I'm sure that it is a matter of sonic taste, and not quality, but on the strength of numerous reviews, I bought an X250.5 to replace my MC300, and it was a big mistake. As it turned out, the sound was much different than the Mac, and not what I liked. That said, they are both great companies with exemplary service.
Ive owned both(currently the 402)..IMO, the Pass is a far superior amp and the customer service is in a league of its own.The 402 is slower,has less detail especially in the lower range(the blue meters look cool though,lol).Big mistake moving to Mac from Pass..Im still kicking myself !!! If your sold on the MC 402, honestly you can buy mine..1 owner/ about a year old with all da stuff..get back to me if serious
There you go. Like I said, you have to listen for yourself. Two high quality amps that have made many people happy- but not neccesarily the same people. It is really interesting to think about how we all hear things differently, and just as interesting to realize that even if we all heard the same thing, we would interpret it differently. And then, some would love what they heard, and some would dislike it.