Cary 120s

I am looking at a few different used tube amps to "move up the food chain" from my dynaco st70.

I am interested in possibly a Cary rocket 88, but I am seeing several Cary 120s amps for very reasonable prices here on the 'gon.

For a nice amp with this kind of power there seems to be a large number of these offered constantly here.

Are people having issues with the 120s amps or am I just seeing a lot of people with "upgradeitus"?

Maybe I should also consider a used bat vk55 or vk60 instead.

Have any Cary 120s users had any problems with your amp?

Thanks Dave
Thanks for the input. I know the 120s uses 8 kt88 output tubes and could cost a little to retube.

Does anyone know what the average hours on a set of output tubes in one of these amps should be?

I am using a classe audio dr6 ss preamp with balanced xlr outputs that are being wasted with the dynaco..... that is why I am looking at cary and bat amps with balanced inputs.

I do like the warm tube sound of the dynaco and it seems that cary's "sound" may be warmer than bat so I am leaning more toward cary.

I am probably going overboard with my preamp/amp for my "cheap" speakers (quad 11L mini monitors) but I will upgrade those maybe after tax refunds next year.

So with 8 kt88 tubes, how hot does the 120s get?

Brf..... you say the 120s was your least favorite cary amp, can you describe the sound difference that you disliked on the 120s?

This amp is fantastic, if you get an octet of Gold Lions, and especially if you have the caps upgrade done. The SLP-05 sounds best with this amp, of ALL the Cary amps; and the 306Pro run balanced through the SLP-05 all the way to the 120S and into Dali speakers was one of the best sounds at CES two years ago. Last Jan, they (Cary) ran the new 211FE's with the SLP-05 and the 306Pro into Marten Design Coltranes, and it didn't sound near as good, IMHO.
I to have the 120s and the CAD 500MB. I actually bought two 120s to bi-amp, but it did not work out. With the right tubes, this amp can kick some serious azz. Mine has the pope 6sn7 and the tung-sol. The 120s does not get hot.
One of the problems I had with the 120s is that it sounds poor with the stock tubes. At a minimum, I would expect an amp in this price range to sound excellent with a bit more performance gained through tube rolling. With the 120s, tube rolling is a must. In addition, this amp runs really hot, a lot hotter than other 6550 based amps with that many tubes. My friend runs his without the bottom cover on to aid in ventilation (he has no pets or kids to worry about curious fingers or paws). The quality and fit of the 120s is not up to Cary’s regular standards. When purchasing a 120s, you must factor in replacement tubes over stock, which pushes the 120s price point even higher. The 120s is not my cup of tea, but that is why Cary has so many different amps in their lineup…one size does not fit all.

As an aside, I don’t think that the Classe DR6 is a differential balanced pre amplifier; take a look at the LR output to see if pin 1 and 3 are tied together.

I do agree that the stock tubes are really poor, but once you upgrade these it takes the amp to a whole new level. This actually explans why you have a number of them listed for sale. Of course these upgraded tubes do not come cheap so folk either decide to upgrade or get rid of it.

As far as it running hot, I not feel it does, well it is all relative. One person hot may not apply to everyone.

The bottom line is for the current sale price, it getting a good amp. Invest a few more $$ and you will be happy.

I currently have two, will get rid of one will definately keep the other.