Best Tube Preamp with Phono under $2000 ?

What is the best tube pre-amp with a MM phono stage under $2000?

I have been looking at CJ ET-2 and McIntosh ; theyare both in the 4K-5K range.

What is the best "value-for-money" tube pre-amp in the 2K range that includes a decent phono stage?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Thank you everyone for your comments. They have helped me immensely in identifying the various options I have at this price point.

Some of you asked about the AMP these will be connected to. It will be connected to two Monarchy SE100 MK2 Monoblocks.

The rest of the system is as follows:

Musichall MMF 5.1 turntable with the Goldring 2200 MM cartrige
Cabridge Audio DAC with Sony PS3 as transport

Pre Amp: Onkyo - but looking to upgrade

Interconnect: Kimber Hero

Amp: Monarchy SE100 Monoblocks

Speaker Cable: Supra PLY 3.4

Speakers: NHT VT 2.4

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*That's an easy one; Cary Audio SLP98p, used--Macdadtexas*

I 2nd the Cary Audio SLP98. I've had one for a few years, & love it. Mine doesn't have the phono stage tho; I used a C-J SS phono stage with it & that was a nice solution. The thing with Cary gear is, almost all of it sounds great.....
The input impedance of the SE-100 is 40Kohms. I was told that it should work well with any pre-amp between 50 ohms and 50K ohms.

How does this limit / expand the available options?
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