Preamps or Integrated with HT Bypass Pls Recommend


I have a HT setup to which my mains are attached. I would like to drive those speakers with better electronics. I realize that I could hook an amp to the pre-out on the receiver but I would still have the receiver preamp in play. My goal is to have a dedicated two channel system within the HT system with the mains attached to better electronics and my sources: turntable, tuner and CD player wired as two channel. Looking for preamps or integrateds that have this feature. Budget: 2.5K for an intergrated, less for a preamp....but have some flex. What should I be looking at?
Tmicha3941-Do you want to try tubes or solid state and do you need balanced as well?
If you want to try tubes maybe audio research ls16 mkII or the modwright swl 9.0se's might interest you;these should be in your price range and are both highly reviewed;you might even be able to move up into the next level on the audio research pre's but I not sure which model that would be.