Zaikesman, I find "At War With the Mystics" to be a great continuation of where "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" left off. Mind you, some of the Lip's greatest work "Transmissions from the Satellite Heart" of 1993 or maybe "The Soft Bulletin" of 1999 IMHO but not one, not one of their releases has fallen on deaf ears in this house. Wayne Coyne and the fellows seem to continually up the ante with every mind-bending encounter. Rare are they who reinvent themselves and walk the fine line for their entire carrier as these folks have so poignantly. At their worst I genuinely love them and what they do. At their best I find them to be psychedelic geniuses. I also love them live, which adds a whole enhanced other element to what they do.
Happy Listening!
Happy Listening!