Passive preamp vs. powered

I have a custom made passive pre-amp that I purchased from A-gon some months back for about $150. It only has a volume control and 2 inputs - perfect for my needs.

It sounds excellent...

My question is... what would be the advantage of a much more expensive powered pre-amp? Sure, maybe I would have powered switches and more inputs, but I don't need any. Are there some differences in sound quality that I'm not hearing?

Love to do a shootout. What passive do you suggest that is transformer based?

I am near Minneapolis, MN
I have owned preamps using the S&B Mark I and II trannies (much preferred the Mark I). I have heard a Sowter TVC, owned a Sonic Euphoria PLC and now have the Bent Audio Tap-x. I would say all of them are very good to excellent.

The H2O Fire is the only preamp that sounds marvelous on my speakers. It is just starting to turn heads.

What is it in "To me....." that you do not understand?

What about "All of the above are just my opinions base on what I heard of course." ?

Go and find a better active preamp.
Grannyring-Maybe you can get Ralph from Atmasphere as well his pre amps must be in the top 5 of anything out there;it would be a interesting evaluation.