Wire off of the truck is fine . Just make sure that it is copper , not aluminum .
Your electrician will be happier with 12g. wire than 10g. when it comes time to make the connections at the recepticles !
Another consideration , that I like , is to have the new circuits installed with an 'isolated ground'. This will make sure that you do not get any noise/interference from anything else in your house . This is how hospitals and computer rooms do their sensitive stuff . While it is not difficult it is different and will probably require the services of a commercial electrician rather that a residential one . Just google isolated ground systems and get a rudimentry knowledge of it so that you know what you are getting . As I said , it is not difficult .
This way should be cheaper and longer lasting than a conditioner . As above , you can go to any extreme that your wallet will allow !
Good luck.
Your electrician will be happier with 12g. wire than 10g. when it comes time to make the connections at the recepticles !
Another consideration , that I like , is to have the new circuits installed with an 'isolated ground'. This will make sure that you do not get any noise/interference from anything else in your house . This is how hospitals and computer rooms do their sensitive stuff . While it is not difficult it is different and will probably require the services of a commercial electrician rather that a residential one . Just google isolated ground systems and get a rudimentry knowledge of it so that you know what you are getting . As I said , it is not difficult .
This way should be cheaper and longer lasting than a conditioner . As above , you can go to any extreme that your wallet will allow !
Good luck.