Pass or Spectral

I will choose between the following high standard amplifiers:
Pass XP20 and XA 160.5
Spectral DMC 30SS and 360.
My speakers are Focal Utopia Scala and it seems
that Pass is a better choice with this speakers,
What is your opinion?
Thanks Sergio
I have the Pass XA.5 and have heard Spectral amps which contributed to the superb sound of an excellent system. I know you prefer and own Lamm, which I understand is some of the best tube power available, though I have never heard them. I would think that the Pass XA.5 would have the control of the bass that great SS amps like Spectal have and also some of the body, warmth and palpability that the best tube amps like Lamm have. Have you heard the Pass XA.5 series? I'm curious to know why you don't seem to like Pass and prefer both Lamm and Specral which must sound very different from each other. Thanks. Peter
Finally I decided for Spectral.
So I have now Spectral DMC 30SS and 360 mono serie 2.
What I have to say is that the sound is very emotional.
I'm very happy and I can't stop to listen.
It is like a new sound, incredible.
I also have MIT/Spectral cables and next week also the
power MIT cables will arrive.
The next improvement could be Avalon that for Spectral seems
to be the best. Anyway also JM Lab la Scala is very good.
Greetings from Switzerland, Sergio
Congratulations on the Spectral gear. That is an incredible combination. I heard a lower model Spectral amp/pre driving Magico speakers and the sound was wonderful. Have you considered Magico and what was the Pass combo missing compared to the Spectral gear?
Thanks Peter,
I've never listened the Magico speakers.
Seems they are very good with Spectral.
For me it is very hard to find dealers
for a serious demonstration.
The only chence is to go to a show
(maybe in Munchen in may).