Pass or Spectral

I will choose between the following high standard amplifiers:
Pass XP20 and XA 160.5
Spectral DMC 30SS and 360.
My speakers are Focal Utopia Scala and it seems
that Pass is a better choice with this speakers,
What is your opinion?
Thanks Sergio
congrats sergio! you have my end game amp/pre now. i am working my way there so someday i will join you. everyone has their opinion on what the best are and mine are the amps you own. have a blast and enjoy the music...

i think you will find much to play with along the way with those mit products. the more you climb that ladder the better it gets and it gets quite good. even the power products you said are in transit to you will have a nice impact.

Thanks, Richard.
Yes Spectral is an incredible amplifier.
It gives a lot of details and a perfect sound stage.
Lot of emotions. All my system is based on Sectral and
MIT cables rigt now. What I'm missing are Avalon speakers
that seems to be the best with Spectral. My Focal Utopia
are very good but maby I'll get the chance to try Avalon
Indra end we will see..................
yes sergio, avalon and spectral are a superb match. i am also very fond of the synergy between wilson speakers and spectral gear. i am sure the focal's sound fantastic too! enjoy...
I want to give to the Spectral amplifiers a good speaker
combination. That's why if I can sell or trade my JM Lab Utopia (excellent with MC Intosh, a little too detailed with
Spectral) I'm thinking about Avalon but also Magico V3 is in seriously consideration.
Let's see what will happen.
I heard Spectral electronics driving Magico V2 speakers. Excellent combination. I loved it, but it sure was detailed.