Marantz SC 11 S1 Pre amp

If you have heard this pre, how would you describe its sound? Is it tube-like, analytical, warm, cool ? Is the phono stage decent? Considering purchasing one, but I have no way to hear it, wondering what people think. Thanks in advance for any responses. Mike
That is great to hear! As stated here already, it is difficult to find information about this pre. For me, it seems to have everything - phono with MC, balanced out and in, and a good headphone amp. I have the SA11-S2 which I am very happy with, so I am sure it would be a very good match.
I would love to try the SA11-S2 just for the fact that aesthetically it would look beautiful with the pre compared to the black Sony 5400.From what I've read it seems that most people regard it highly,and assuming its built as well as the pre I bet it's quite impressive.
Winoguy, any comment on the preamp after breakin, now that it is two years since your post?
Zear, I no longer own it. Though I still think it is an excellnt pre amp, after a year and a half with it I found it lacking the tube magic I had become accustomed to for the prior 20 years, so I sold it and went back to a tubed pre. The phono section in the Marantz I found to be excellent, and the unit as a whole was clean, fast and dead quiet.I could live with it happily if need be, but I guess that I will always prefer a tubed unit.