Primaluna and Rogue

Hey all, I've done a lot of reading on the Rogue Audio and Primaluna gear. I Like what I've read, and I actually heard the m150's a while back and came away impressed. I have not personally listened to any Primaluna gear.

Do any of you have thoughts either way? I'm looking at Prologue 6 & 7, vs. Rouges m120 and M150. A lot will have to do with what becomes available on Audiogon, but I am prepared to purchase Prologue 6 new if necessary. Thanks
I might not include the PL3/pre,I don't believe it has the "magic" that the amps/integrateds enjoy.
FWIW I think the PL3 AND the PL amps have synergy that neither have with other amps or pre-amps. I have both and have found no satisfaction operating them separately but combined they are really very good. A tad warm but still very clean and reasonably resolved especially considering their cost. I'm considering up-grading my PL5 to the PL7's for the reason that was just mentioned, the 5's just don't have enuf bass -it seems to hit the deep notes but gets off them too quick, ergo a somewhat thin bass. Even with the PL3. But using the PL3 does make it far more acceptable.

good Stuff here, guys. for the most part, the more I read, the more I like the Primaluna gear. Just wish I could hear it for myself before I take the plunge. However, I do have a mild concern that some of you feel that the pre and powers work well together, but no so much on their own. Was either component used with other tube gear, or solid state?