Should I Try a Tube Preamp?

Presently I listen 80-90% to vinyl (using a modified Technics 1200) connected to a Parasound 2100 preamp, then Parasound 2250 amp in a small room (12' x 21') with older but decent standmount speakers (these to be upgraded in future).

Someone suggested that an upgrade to my system would be a good tube preamp to replace the 2100. I have no experience or knowledge of tube components so am wondering two things: 1) What benefit/improvement would I obtain from a tube versus solid state preamp (assuming I continue to use the solid state Parasound amp)? 2) Which good tube preamp would fit a budget under $1000?

Thanks, in advance, for any and all comments or suggestions.
I'm with the suggestion to buy Audio Research preamp. In case you do not like it, it's easy to sell. If I have $1000, I would wait and save a little bit more to get better units than starting with a compromise right away. Anyway, search "tube preamp with SS amp" in anu audio forums and you will noticed an overwhelming positive experienced from owners doing the switch.

Okay, I lied, but not totally though. If I have a $1000, I will probably built an amp and a preamp. But if you are not into DIY, buy used that you can easily sell later on if you need to.
I would sell the amp and preamp and buy a Cary SLI80 integrated amp (used) and build around that.
Ken...I am with Jaybo...You didn't mention what speakers you have but you do mention they are dated and that you plan on upgrading them. You ought to get a bigger bang for your buck by upgrading the speakers first. Many good options in the $1000 range for monitors. I would visit a few dealers and listen to different options and when you narrow down the choice to a few speakers you like the sound of, ask the dealer(s) for a home audition to make sure you are getting a similar sound in your home setting. You can always match the elecronics to the new speaker at a later time. My two cents worth.
Upgrading the speakers isn't going to cut it.A pre amp is the heart and soul of a system,if you defer to buying more pricey speakers you will still have the same deficiences.
Yes, a tube preamp will bring a much warmer, fuller sound with a defined soundstage. Try some of the older preamps:
Audio Research sp-6b or sp-8. Or conrad-Johnson pv-10 or pv-12.
These will take some maintenance every 2 years, but are wll worth it.