Should I Try a Tube Preamp?

Presently I listen 80-90% to vinyl (using a modified Technics 1200) connected to a Parasound 2100 preamp, then Parasound 2250 amp in a small room (12' x 21') with older but decent standmount speakers (these to be upgraded in future).

Someone suggested that an upgrade to my system would be a good tube preamp to replace the 2100. I have no experience or knowledge of tube components so am wondering two things: 1) What benefit/improvement would I obtain from a tube versus solid state preamp (assuming I continue to use the solid state Parasound amp)? 2) Which good tube preamp would fit a budget under $1000?

Thanks, in advance, for any and all comments or suggestions.
Upgrading the speakers isn't going to cut it.A pre amp is the heart and soul of a system,if you defer to buying more pricey speakers you will still have the same deficiences.
Yes, a tube preamp will bring a much warmer, fuller sound with a defined soundstage. Try some of the older preamps:
Audio Research sp-6b or sp-8. Or conrad-Johnson pv-10 or pv-12.
These will take some maintenance every 2 years, but are wll worth it.
If you want the most benefits of tube sound,the output stage is where its at mainly.It depends on the speakers,and how loud you like to listen also.As far as a tube preamp goes,it may soften the harsh highs.They have tube buffers that will give you a taste of that.An all tube,or tube output will change the whole listening experience if your ready for it.It may be best to listen to a tube amp before going that route♫'s interesting how sure footed you are that the problem lies in his preamp. How do you know that the OP will have the same issues even if he upgrades the speakers? Just curious at the source of your insight.