Amp for Thiel CS6

I currently am using a Conrad Johnson MF2500A to amplify my Thiel CS6 speakers. At times it seems as if the amp does not give as full, or solid a bass response as I would like. Is this a potential issue with the MF2500A? I am considering either a CJ Premier 350, or a Rogue Audio Zeuss. Any thoughts about these, or other amps with the Thiel CS6 speakers? Thanks.
Thanks for your input. One of the reasons that I have an interest in the Rogue Audio Zeus is that I have a Rogue Audio Cronus that I very much enjoy. Also, I do have a Thiel SS2 sub, although in my system it seems to add something more at higher volumes. Consequently, I still wonder whether the combination of the Rogue Audio Zeus, Thiel CS6, Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS preamp, and the Thiel subwoofer might give me the potential sonic benefits of tubes and maintain the low end. However, your points are well taken and I remain undecided. If I do decide to go the solid state direction, my main interests would be the Conrad Johnson Premier 350, the Pass Labs X350.5, and the Krell 300/400cx. I know Stevecham speaks very highly of the Krell/CS6 combination, but does anyone have any experience with the CJ Premier 350, Pass Labs, or the Rogue Audio Zeus and the Thiel CS6? Thanks for all of your help.
Droz, I just found this thread - the advice from Thiel owners is spot on. I drive 3.6's with Mcintosh 501 mono's. My final choice was between the Mac's and CJ 350 which btw, is a superb amp. I felt the Mac's were better, more control in the bass for sure and more tonally accurate and pleasing through the midrange. Both have great top end extension. I wanted the CJ to work since I have been using CJ preamps for many years.

I can tell you the difference between my former amp, Classe CA 200 and the Mcintosh mono's is night and day. Thiels are just a different speaker when driven with adequate solid state power.
Thanks for all of the input. I have now decided to go with a solid state amp, rather than the Zeus. Given my present preamp, room set up, cabinetry, etc. I think I will try to find a Conrad Johnson Premier 350 to upgrade my system. Thanks again to everyone for your valuable insights.
One huge vote for Rogue. Have you heard the Zeus? It's amazing. Fast, fast pace and detail.
It has been recommended that I consider the Mccormack DNA 750 monoblocks as another possible choice with my Thiel CS6s. Does anyone have any experience with this amp with Thiel, or other speakers?