Pedrillo, I feel your pain. It's sometimes tough to decide what type of presentation you prefer and of course that preference can vary even during the course of a listening session.
In my small-room system I had the VTL ST-85 tube amp playing into my Magnepans. It produces a very lively and dynamic sound. Recently, I hooked up a pair of the new Monarchy SE-200 MK2 solid-state amps and it's an interesting contrast. The VTL is more in-yer-face and just balls-to-the-wall dynamic, but the Monarchy's are a little more laid back, and very detailed. They throw a very nice layered soundstage.
Then, there is the complication that I can cause the VTL to sound more laid back depending on what cables I use. If I experiment, perhaps I can get the Monarchys to sound more dynamic. I may try different speaker wires.
Presently the Monarchy's are very easy on the ears and it's sometimes difficult for me to not doze off while listening to them. They are soothing and seductive. Yet now and then I want a bit more dynamic kick and outright slam.