Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?

Is it safe to use a Berkeley Alpha DAC run directly to a Spectral DMA 180? Spectral of course states that the amp should only be used with a Spectral preamp and MIT cables due to the high band width and possible oscillation. I do use all MIT cables but would like to run the BADA straight, as recommended by Berkeley. I also do not want to see smoke coming from the amp or my speakers! If anyone has the technical knowledge to evaluate this I would love to hear some thoughts.

I bought the amp just a short time ago and it had issues with the left channel so it is at Spectral now having all the transistors replaced. I had thought about selling it because of my fondness for the Alpha DAC but I think it would sound much better than the Krell FPB 600c I use now. I do not want to risk any damage to it, especially after the work that is being done but man is it a piece of work. If I could find a way to keep it I think I would get the clear top, this is turning into a sick relationship!

Is this a real risk? I just do not have the technical knowledge to know...? Any experiences or thoughts related would be greatly appreciated...
richard_stacy should post a message on forums the amps section asking for RH's input. He should be helpful on how he set it up.
i did post a message in his system setup area after i read your comment above, thanks. your suggestion would have been a more appropriate forum but that was the only one i found at the time. if nothing else, i found a new resource. i never really read through that site and there is quite a bit of good stuff.
This is a link to Reference Recordings Berkeley Dac to Spectral DMA-180 direct.

As a Former BADA DAC owner you can run the Berekely direct with a Spectral amp. A universal Spectral amp is preferred but not necessary. For safe operation Spectral recommends MIT SPK. As I stated in another Spectral thread the DMA-180 is not compatible with the standard MIT Oracle cables. The amp may have oscilation issue. Mit 850EVO REF SPK,was the last generation cable used with the DMA-180 series 2.
that is fascinating lawrence. i am getting so much conflicting information as i research this. there is a post on the a/v guide forum that says berkeley uses spectral amps in their voicing, not sure if it is true but i would not be surprised at all given the relationship. then of course i also just got another firm suggestion not to do this from a tech at goodwins . he had discussed it with spectrals tech and, of course, was told not do it.

what the heck!!!