Kudos to Audio Research

Fixed at no charge! I bought used Ref 210s here on Audiogon about a year ago. Ordered a new tube set from ARC about 5 weeks ago. One 6550 output tube went bad and burned some circuitry. ARC fixed the problem, which was a lot more than just a blowen fuse, and shipped it back in a new box.

I really thought it was going to cost me $1,000.

After 30 hours the unit seems rock solid and sounds great.

Thanks Audio Research.
Ag insider logo xs@2xtdaudio
This is a positive shout out, think of it this way. The cost of the fix may have been equal to the profit they make on some of their stuff.

I know there are plenty of bad stories out there but overall I have had good luck with high end audio equipment. I have had good luck with cars as well but I can't say the same regarding video equipment, expensive household appliances or a lot of technology items. Computers, what a pain in the ass (Windows based of course).

BTW My Ref 2 phono and Ref 5 are new enough that I have not sent in the registration yet so I don't think they knew I was recent customer.

One thing that makes Audiogon valuable is to hear the good and the bad.
"I have to say that my experience with cj amps is exactly the opposite of Jwm's. I've owned cj amps for over 20 yrs, beginning with the MV75A1 and currently the LP 150 Ms. The amps have been like battleships and have never once had a bad or old tube take out the amplifier".

I previously owned the Premier 8A for over 5 years, and 3 CJ preamps. I have also had similar experiences. The 8A's were certainly built like battleships. Never a problem w/ the CJ gear for me.
The more reason to pick a quality manufacturer. I have email Krell for help on a amplifier and no response. Writing is on the wall there in my book, hunting for AR's as we speak.
I am happy that you had no problems with your CJ. I am just stating the facts. I received the new CJ's and right out of the box I had a failure. I am just stating that their protection is not great if you do have a problem. I had to send the amp back and did not get it back for one month. Several parts on the board were fried. The other amps I mentioned did not take out any parts when a tube failed.