Experience with high end fuses????

I tried a high buck fuse for power supply in my Exposure 2010s last February it goes in the little tray under the power cord. I was burnt out from comparing things at the time but did switch it out with the stock fuse twice . My gut feeling was the new fuse cleaned things up the image more defined but also made the stage less open and things almost sounded digital and like the top and booom of tan EQ was boosted slightly. I sat down last night and compared and indeed this is the case. As I said the high buck one seems to clean things up but also shrinks the stage and makes the sound almost processed. Has anyone had any real experience with changing fuses?? I guess one would think the manufacture of the amp voiced it with the fuse they wanted in it. keith
Perhaps someone was asleep during the early eighties, when SO MANY of us learned that measurements mean VERY LITTLE when it comes to the sound of a high end system. I was skeptical(to say the least) about whether Hi-Fi Tuning fuses would make an audible difference. Any doubt was washed away by the first few notes of my favorite reference recordings, after trying them in the AC line of my main amps. Some systems are simply not resolving enough, some listeners' aural acuity cannot discern and/or some are too convinced/mentally blocked/untrained to hear the differences that higher end fuses and(some) PCs make. I've been listening to live music, sound reinforcement and home audio systems in a professional capacity for decades, and if I hear a difference(good or bad); IT EXISTS(placebo effect be damned).
Did you try replacing the original fuses to see if the improvement went away? I believe you heard a difference but am curious if it could be attributed to the contacts, as opposed to the fuses. If not, and if you still have the original fuses, could you try them and report your findings back?
Mr Z- Yes, the effect has been verified, more than once and with different listeners(uncoached). Even some half-deaf musician friends noticed the more(what I term), "organic" presentation with the HiFi-Tuning fuses(gold ones), as opposed to Bussman or Littelfuse. BTW: The paralleled capacitor and diode pictured on their fuse is simply their logo, and has NOTHING to do with the fuse's internals(silly notion).
I have replaced ALL the fuses in my equipments with hI-FI tUNING ones and has been amazed by the improvements.I have compared them to the Isoclean,furutech and countless others and found the Hifi Tuning ones to be audibly superior after the burn in period[which is much longer than the others].In what manners are the hifi tuning fuses are superior?

1.they do not alter the basic sound of your system.This is extremely important for me;I find that the furutech fuses tend to emphasis the high;so if your system is in need for such things try them out.

2.The sound gets more holographic;the low level details come out less forcefully.

3.The brightness from certain digital recordings dissapears;likewise certain mellow recordings sound more energetics.

I must mention that all the fuses that i use are treated in the following manners;
1.I clean them with Kontak contact cleaner

2.the ends are coated with Silclear;just a tiny amount.

3.the body gets Tourmalline paint coats.

Manufacturers put diagrams on semiconductors for the user to know whats inside,and for hookup purposes.Can anyone imagine trying to build something without the proper markings.I also don't have any faith in a company that is making safety products and either has total ignorance of the product,or the laws in our country.Possibly both,or they just don't care.