Experience with high end fuses????

I tried a high buck fuse for power supply in my Exposure 2010s last February it goes in the little tray under the power cord. I was burnt out from comparing things at the time but did switch it out with the stock fuse twice . My gut feeling was the new fuse cleaned things up the image more defined but also made the stage less open and things almost sounded digital and like the top and booom of tan EQ was boosted slightly. I sat down last night and compared and indeed this is the case. As I said the high buck one seems to clean things up but also shrinks the stage and makes the sound almost processed. Has anyone had any real experience with changing fuses?? I guess one would think the manufacture of the amp voiced it with the fuse they wanted in it. keith
It has been beyond my ability to notice any consitent, identifiable improvements with these specialty fuses. But that might say more about my hearing than the fuses. To me it is just part of the hobby and if you can excited by the prospect of adding a $25 fuse that will make your system sing, why not?
This is one area of our hobby that does not make any sense to me;that a fuse can make a audible difference;maybe I don't have the ears to hear it though.
"1.they do not alter the basic sound of your system.This is extremely important for me;I find that the furutech fuses tend to emphasis the high;so if your system is in need for such things try them out."

I think this is exactly what I am hearing as the fuse is a a Furutech. Sound is very clean and detailed but the high end is a bit much. Maybe I should try a different brand
"The only way I have totally proven that they do in fact work by extending power and frequency response over standard and ceramic fuses is to actually replace every single fuse in my signal chain. Reason for most not getting full results is they start with one or two and hope for the best"

Absolutely true Undertow.....This has been my experience too......
Well I received a HiFi Tuning fuse and campared it to the Furutech. bear in mind this is for my sytem only. The HiFi sounded more open in the vocals and seemed to have more extension. When I switched back to the Furutech I felt like the midrange got sucked back and I had to look at the floor as the sound stage dropped.. keith