C.J. PV-5 vs PV-10's 11's and 12's

I have had a C.J. PV-5 for many years . Was thinking of up grading to a 10 , 11 , or 12 , but have heard rumers to the effect that some of the "newer" PV series don't sound as good as the PV-5 . Any truth to these to these ugly stories ? Need the real skinny . What's the word on the street ?
The PV-9 ranks below the PV-11 and PV-12 mainly because of the line stage. The phono section of the PV-9A is nearly identical to the latter two preamps. The Premier 3 is better than the PV-5 but not as good as the PV-9A, PV-11 or PV-12.
I have a PV-10 in one system and a PV-12 in another system. Although the PV-10 is good, the PV-12 is better.
Are you looking for line stages or units with phono?

In general I would agree with the comments above that, of the CJ units you listed, the PV-12A/AL is the one to get.

If you are looking at phono and do not have to stick to tubes, the Motif line (MC8/MC10) had about the best phonostages available in any pre; at least for their time. The newer (but still discontinued) PF2 was essentially the same design but of different construction.