The Big Ayon Triton KT-88 Int Amp- tube rolling?

I am quite pleased with the stock tubes, however am wondering if any Ayon Triton owners have tried anything other than the Gold Lion Re-issued KT-88's? As for the input tubes, how about the RCA 12au7's- tried anything else?

**And as a sidebar- as this is an integrated with Direct preamp input option, has anyone actually tried to add another preamp in front of it with good results?
Has anyone had experience with the monster kt120 tubes - adding more power and experiencing cleaner dynamics. I think this is in the test phase with Ayon but not shure.
I'm also using a Spirit II with no issues. Good bass for a tube amplifier I should add.
thanks guys- I do keep in touch with Paul at USA Tube Audio (Ayon Distributors) about this from time to time, and I do know that they are always 'on the hunt' for the best tube combo for the Ayon amps- they still recommend what was shipped with my Triton- the Gold Lion KT-88's and RCA 12au7's- no complaints here...
i have a friend who had the ayon spark and just loved the amperex 7316's in it.
Quite reassuring.

It has been reviews of these sort that have made me plunge into the tube arena with the Ayon Triton. Could not settle for anything else since, i wanted to avoid the tension of speakers. BUT i shall certainly go the way for better speakers in terms of higher sensitivity than B&W 805, in sometime.

Thanks for sharing ur bit.