The Big Ayon Triton KT-88 Int Amp- tube rolling?

I am quite pleased with the stock tubes, however am wondering if any Ayon Triton owners have tried anything other than the Gold Lion Re-issued KT-88's? As for the input tubes, how about the RCA 12au7's- tried anything else?

**And as a sidebar- as this is an integrated with Direct preamp input option, has anyone actually tried to add another preamp in front of it with good results?
stay withe the Genalex KT88. I switched out the 12au7's with old Phillips from Upscale Audio. Got a little more bass and female vocals were a tad better too.
Try TUNGSRAM 12AU7's. You can get them through AYON or go to the internet for half the price. I paid the AYON price just to be certain I have certified tubes that are carefully matched and conditioned. KT88's is another matter. I am currently using SHUGUANG "BLACK THEASURES". Wonderful sounding tube once broken in but there is a lingering unreliability issue. So, - - what AYON has done is to manufacture their own KT88'S in their European tube plant. AYON claims they will sonically out perform any KT88 available today with "tank like" reliability. They had better be relaible at $225.00 ea.

Haven't heard them yet, but I know that AYON has spend several years in development and testing with almost 100% results. By the way, they are doing the same thing with the 12AU7's. Don't know when they will be available.
My experience with GENALEX KT88'S has not been good. Also, with my AYON dealer and a couple of my friends. Catastrophic failures that end up taking out circuitry ending up with expensive repairs, depending upon the amp. Even my AYON dealer had his shop demo amp damaged by failing GENALEX KT88'S. I have also read a great deal about this issue from users all over the world. Bottom line; - - Great sounding while the work, but horrible reliability. Obviously different people may have different experiences.