Micheal Green Rack Justarack

I am thinking about grabbing this rack but haven't seen it on here or can't find any information on it. Is it a nice rack?

What was the retail price on this rack? It has 5 shelves on the one I'm looking at and all adjustable.

Any info would be awesome.
If I can recall the rack was around 300 to 400 bucks and had large shelves. It was adjusted with the use of nuts on tread ed rods. It wasn't the prettiest thing on the market but it was stable and because of its large shelves it could compliment large amps and turntables.
I have two of them, and I've had them for years. They have 4 3/4" threaded rods that support 1.5" thick MDF shelves with some nice brass nuts. Simple, but solid and built like a tank. They are able to support extremely heavy items without problems.

I'm not sure what the retail price of them is/was, though.

I have a five shelf version as well. There was a basic version and a deluxe version. The deluxe version has the 1.5 inch thick MDF shelves which is what mine is. The standard version rack had 1.0 inch shelves I think. There were also optional heavy duty brass spiked feet. The rack is very solid and the infinite spacing for the shelves is a big plus. I would characterize it as a good sounding rack, not the best but well above entry level. It is a better sounding rack than the Polycrystal unit I have. I got suckered by the magazine reviews on that one. I don't recall the price either but I would guess mine came in around 600.00-700.00. Overall, I would recommend it.