What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
For my $$$ it stops with the new improved Audio Magic Super Fuse. I admit I have not compared the Super Fuse to any of the various HiFi Tuning Fuses, Furutech fuse, Isoclean fuse, Synergistic Research fuse, Acme fuse, Audio Horizons fuse or any other aftermarket fuse I might have overlooked.
Geph0007, obviously we don't know as much about the reproduction of music from digital or vinyl as many would have us believe. Vibration effects on sound are another big trial and error area. Wires, capacitors, ac line noise, room acoustics, ear wax, etc. are among the continuing issues. And then there is the matter of many having no clue what live music actually sounds like. I mean with no amplification.
I know what live music with no amplification sounds like...it's less loud, unless it's in your face..."get that damn bassoon out of my ear you FREAK." I also know what my acoustic guitar sounds like when I play it, except the only way to know what it sounds like to other people is to play something and quickly run around the guitar and listen to what I just played. You really have to be quick. Also, I wish I would have thought of the premium high end fuse business...damn...friggin' BRILLIANT. Maybe it's not too late...a fuse electron flow direction indicator gizmo could do it. "Eliminate improper fuse direction forever with my DECONFUSER." Tiny arrow labels included.
How is it possible that Almarg's observation was completely ignored. A case of "I believe what I believe and don't bother me with the facts?"
Wolf_garcia, I guess it much depends on what live music you heard at close range. I have done recordings immediately in front of a twenty piece jazz band. I have been immediately behind the conductor with a recital of the Chicago orchestra. There is too much amplification in most live music which seems to be what modern musicians prefer over being a good musician.

But you really avoid an answer to the fact that many differences are much more significant and many hear them. What accounts for this?

Almarg, yes music reproduction changes alternating current into dc and then must turn it into ac again. But many hear significant differences in all manner of parts dealing with this process. So there must be something more than your old dismissive comment.

Frogman, facts are obviously not facts but merely some people's inability to hear or more likely to reconcile with what they hope, namely that cheap equipment is just a good as more expensive equipment.

I certainly cannot understand why you would care that some people find fuse direction matters. They are not costing you any money or time.